All summer we’ve been hearing that the Cavs need an enforcer on the inside. That the current frontline is too soft. Maybe not, allow us to submit this video as exhibit “A”. Check out Andy jackin’ some dude in his face. Apparently, he broke the guys jaw.
Also, it appears that Varejao has Anderson on the back of his jersey. Is he going Nene on us?

Most of us loved the “Miracle Year” throwbacks from two years ago, and it looks like they are going for it again. But, this time (according to LBJ, Z and company will be sporting World B. Free era throwbacks. Check it out (its the last article before the comments)!
The Throwback:

The Logo:

Well, I added a search function to the Players page (its between the sword and the letters).
You can search by Name, Number and Position for now (more to come).
Go ahead, search for Mitchell Butler!
the Management
Over at LeBron Talk (a website that I subscribe to and is quite cool if you are as obsessive about LBJ as me), they are linking this pic:

(the pic is from the NT)
So those ARE the IVs that have been floating around the web, so… yeah. We saw ’em back in like April.
The other good thing is it looks like they may actually wear the Wine colored uni’s again someday (all blue in the playoffs was a little overkill if you ask me)
Eddie Basden is now a Cav

but we had to trade somebody to get him, and that means that our favorite stringbean in gone. Happy trails Marty we barely knew ya, enjoy eating Ben Wallace’s HUGE elbows in practice everyday (remember what that did to Darko).

We welcome Scot Pollard, the new big guy to the team.
Scoty’s not known for being “sane” or an offensive juggernaut, but he should play solid D and hustle a la the Wild Thing.
We could have a very irritating defense next year (for other teams, I’ll love it)

Drew Gooden and trade rumors will continue to swirl for three more years. Drew signed a 3yr/$23 million contract extension with the Cavs, thus cementing his future as the player most fans will mention when they want the Cavs to make a trade. Forums and Kenny Roda’s show are already lighting up with potential deals proposed by delusional fanatics.
Signing Drew is a good thing for the Cavs. First, they retain the service of a talented, yet sometimes focus-challenged, power forward who proved he’s a team player. Second, Drew is capable of having a huge game once every three weeks, whether the Cavs win is another questions. C, Lebron Love Levitation. And finally, the contract does not break the bank, allows the Cavs to remain flexible and comes off the books before the big free agent class of 2010.
It’s not like trade rumors are unprecedented for Drew, he has bounced around during his 4yr NBA career.

The always stylish and equally chatty Damon Jones had a chance to give a tour of his home to MTV. Nothing to special about Damon’s digs. Walls, stairs, carpet and furniture pretty much fill up the whole place. He’s got a movie theater, but is that really a big deal anymore?
His cars are where it’s at, all three of them. It’s a toss up whether his house or cars are worth more.
Damon showing off his Flippity Floppity Flu to MTV Cribs

In a stunning move, the Cavaliers (err, Dan Gilbert) have fired long time play-by-play man and noted word aficionado Michael Reghi. Trying to fill his shoes will be some guy who used to do play-by-play for the Pistions.
We get it Dan, you’re from Detriot. You like to benchmark winners. Can you please leave something Cleveland? First we had to endure Public Address announcer Ronnie “Slam” Duncan, a blatant Mase rip-off, yelling at us the entire game and now this? Reghi, while at times a little over the top and maybe a little corny, brought a certain flair and life to the broadcast. His rapport and camaraderie with AC and Scott Williams was both genuine and entertaining.
You’ll be missed “Plugs”.
Flight Number 23
lift and lace
sweet stroke that jumper
bottom out that jumper
stick back jumper
ripping some cord
the Candyman
The Wonder Kid from Akron St. Vincent St. Mary’s
wheeling in the lane
the rip away
hammer it home
the blow by
gets a blow
You can book this one for the Cavaliers