David Stern: LeBron James May Be Best Ever
By Henry Abbott (via ESPN.com)

High Regards
NBA Commissioner David Stern will be on The $ports Take with Rick Horrow (on Versus) on Tuesday, Oct. 27. Stern was asked about LeBron James, and this is some of what he had to say:
He may be the best player ever to have played. Michael might dispute that, but he has a lot of canvas yet on which to paint. I have no doubt the picture is going to be beautiful.
You know, he hasn’t won anything yet but he may be the best player ever to descend to this planet. It’s a delight to watch him; it’s a delight to watch him grow, to see his width and breadth, in terms of his interest and capacities. He’s a great kid and a great player.
By Corey, January 2, 2010 @ 7:38 pm
And this is why the refs call games for James. They call every little foul against opposing teams and call little against the cavs and even less against Lebron. OH, and when James wants to argue with the refs… that’s fine. No problem. No technical fouls there… but anyone else and they rack up the technicals. This is especially true when teams are playing the CAVS. Look at the X-Mas game. James is just shooting off at the mouth and Odum gets the ejection. James is good, but hes a hack because $tern is doing his best to engineer a title for him. Its all about the marketing James does and how much more he could and would do for the NBA if he could just win a title. $tern, James, you’re both pathetic. I’ll have respect for James when he can win games with out $tern having the refs intervene.