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LeBron sports an Indians hat at his book signing
LeBron sports an Indians hat at his book signing
LeBron and his High School Coach show up on Fresh air from NPR.
One caller asked a particularly hard question. “Why isn’t LeBron married to the mother of his children. LeBron handled it pretty well. The guy just doesn’t get rattled easily.
Link to listen here
You’re funny John Stewart, but you stay the hell away from him.
(interview starts at 13:46, you’ll have to watch a commercial)
Good Morning
The visit was mainly to promote his new book “Shooting Stars” and the movie “More Than a Game”, but he also fielded questions about Shaq and next years free agency.
With Shaq, he’s excited to play with a “big kid” and thinks he may be the last piece.
With free agency, he said he’s excited about it but more excited about the upcoming year and will wait until free agency to answer speculative questions (he did all this while their weatherman shouted “Knicks” at him from off camera).
Sweater Vest