(not yet) has the Swingman version of the new Jerseys available at their store (road only so far)

Road Uni
Also, for all you Price fans – they are now not just offering the Brad Daugherty throwback, but they have the Mark Price one too. Grab it here.

Price Uni
Olde timey friend of the site Glen Infante (@GlenInfante) over at I Love the Hype (@ilovethehype), the site that brought you the famous “Brotha Red’s Donuts” T-Shirt, seems to have some pretty big stuff happening soon. Make sure to head on over and check it out. They are a tight affiliate of RealCavsFans and NumbersDon’t as well.

Pic from the Upcoming Lookbook
The Cleveland interwebs are going crazy today on this topic.
Cribbs has openly stated he wants to stay with Cleveland.
Cribbs is asking for more money, yes. But he is also willing to take (in my opinion) less than what he is worth.
This is not a Thome situation. This is not a Boozer situation or a Belle or a Ramirez. Those dudes were not getting chump change for setting records.
This may be the first time I’m actually rooting for a guy to leave and get his money. Can you imagine the career he’d have on a contender?
Follow his twitter at: @JoshCribbs16

Just thought I’d rant