LBJ on daytime TV

Akron’s own sat down for an interview with Oprah on Sept. 22nd, 2005

Haven't had a Henderson since Cedric

To fill the hole left by an injured Side Show Bob, the Cavs signed Alan Henderson to a one year deal.

It's "The Q" Now…

… and we acknowledge it. Check it out

GO, Gilby, GO!
(p.s. nice job bringing jobs to downtown Cleveland, classy move indeed)

New LeBron Logo

LeBron’s new “Signature Collection” logo is pretty cool.

Check it out with the rest of his Nike Stuff.

One of the top 5 shooters in the world!

On September 8th the Cavaliers got their three point threat in Damon Jones
Let’s hope he knocks down some shots for us over the next four years.